Monday 2 September 2024

 It great to see everyone is back from the beach..or wherever they have spent the summer.

Time to get back to the treadmill folks.

We have just about settled into our place in Italy..been unbearably hot this year with an average of mid 30' tan ..too dangerous to sit out.

Which brings me nicely round to attempt some more blogs.

I have just completed a  concept for a TV series and now will set about marketing..I got rid of my Literary agent some time ago (Another blog on this soon ) so I will start by looking for a new one.The concept is a goer  and it encompasses a great deal of action...for a 17 yeard old. 

More on that later.

When I have been in a College or film school  talking to Film students I always ask them what they want to do in the industry..almost all of them want to be Directors..when asked why there is usually a slightly stunned silence, it seems most students have never actually proceeded beyond the ambition without really putting any thought in as to what  is needed to achieve this lofty status..apart from the money, the kudos, the good table at a restaurant, the adoring attentionof the runners.

Needless to say that in over five decades of being a DOP  and working with probably hundreds of directors I have only met a few who really warrant the title. 

Most are OK and will probably eke a living in the industry..some should really seek another career..but the really talented ones stand out..Decisive, creative, intuitive, read the script. see the characters, know when a scene is finished..moves on.

Moving on in the industry is vitally important, particularly in TV production..At one time as a DOP I was contracted to finish a one hour screen time production in 15 shooting days, regardlessof content.

Now that has been reduced to 10 days...same script length,, same action sequences.same scene numbers...and it shows.

I am a Judge for BAFTA, plus a Craft Judge.  I am an expert on seeing the gaps, I squirm in my chair sometimes when I see the enforced errors..when the scene just needed another couple of shots, the meaningful glance, the slightly longer pause, the actors thoughtful delivery, the background not left being eggy....there's a lot of that.

Some producers turn up with no experience at all, their only qualification is a degree in some associated subject like Greek Philosophy or  something similar from an obscure Uni., they are all obsessed with one word. COVERAGE.

Baisically coverage gives them an opportunity to make the edit easy, takes away the creativity from the director and it takes studio time away from every other techie.  including me..Which brings me to the next blog..Stay tuned...Gotta make some calls.