Monday 2 September 2024

 It great to see everyone is back from the beach..or wherever they have spent the summer.

Time to get back to the treadmill folks.

We have just about settled into our place in Italy..been unbearably hot this year with an average of mid 30' tan ..too dangerous to sit out.

Which brings me nicely round to attempt some more blogs.

I have just completed a  concept for a TV series and now will set about marketing..I got rid of my Literary agent some time ago (Another blog on this soon ) so I will start by looking for a new one.The concept is a goer  and it encompasses a great deal of action...for a 17 yeard old. 

More on that later.

When I have been in a College or film school  talking to Film students I always ask them what they want to do in the industry..almost all of them want to be Directors..when asked why there is usually a slightly stunned silence, it seems most students have never actually proceeded beyond the ambition without really putting any thought in as to what  is needed to achieve this lofty status..apart from the money, the kudos, the good table at a restaurant, the adoring attentionof the runners.

Needless to say that in over five decades of being a DOP  and working with probably hundreds of directors I have only met a few who really warrant the title. 

Most are OK and will probably eke a living in the industry..some should really seek another career..but the really talented ones stand out..Decisive, creative, intuitive, read the script. see the characters, know when a scene is finished..moves on.

Moving on in the industry is vitally important, particularly in TV production..At one time as a DOP I was contracted to finish a one hour screen time production in 15 shooting days, regardlessof content.

Now that has been reduced to 10 days...same script length,, same action sequences.same scene numbers...and it shows.

I am a Judge for BAFTA, plus a Craft Judge.  I am an expert on seeing the gaps, I squirm in my chair sometimes when I see the enforced errors..when the scene just needed another couple of shots, the meaningful glance, the slightly longer pause, the actors thoughtful delivery, the background not left being eggy....there's a lot of that.

Some producers turn up with no experience at all, their only qualification is a degree in some associated subject like Greek Philosophy or  something similar from an obscure Uni., they are all obsessed with one word. COVERAGE.

Baisically coverage gives them an opportunity to make the edit easy, takes away the creativity from the director and it takes studio time away from every other techie.  including me..Which brings me to the next blog..Stay tuned...Gotta make some calls.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Return to Italy

 We will soon be returning to our home in Italy where I will attenmpt to blog more about life in that lovely  country,,We intend to travel a great deal more so look out for updates..

Sad to leave the UK right now but we both find the lifestyle in Italy suits our health and outlook..and we do have a very pleasant home there in the Dolomites.

Three months a year of warmer weather does wonders for excercise and flower we love the diet .which is seasonal...cuts down on processed food..We love the very distinctive seasons..Both in the weather and produce.. 

Look forward to writing more  very soon   XX 

Saturday 17 February 2024

 To anyone at all interested:  The following novels, all written as books but are really screenplays, are now on offer for the film rights.

THE STACK...Family saga, set mainly in the UK,  Australia, USA. Begins during the first world war to the present time..By RJ Dodd.

MAGINTY'S QUEST...A young readers story, set in the West Indies and the UK. It involves the adventures of three sea creatures tasked with sabving a family in the UK. A complex adventure that involves Pirates of old and modern day ones..A great romp By RJ Dodd and Mary Lou Clarke..under the pen name of Chelsy Swann.

THE SANDRUNNERS..Adventure story  which follows a young egyptians effort to enter the New Olympics in 1896. There are many forces agianst him and he has to beat them all in order to win the hand of his girlfriend...and he insists on running with hiis best friend and running pal..Suzy..a small camel

Set in the UK, Egypt, Greece. Written by RJ Dodd and Mary Lou Clarke, under the pen name of Chelsy Swann

THE FIDDLER. Set in Italy in 18th century.Against all odds a young farm hand tries to join a major orchestra touring Italy..On his life journey he falls in love, loses that person and has to find another way to live. He has to overcome many obstacles, Kidnapping, attacks, and becomes a criminal, then a surprising thing happens.

By RJ Dodd

LEVERAGE. A contemporary story about a spy who wants to quit the business but his past adventures keep pulling him back in.In order to obtain a new life he has to sort out his past.Sometimes brutally...and he has to kill his own brother. A great story and very cinematic.Set mainly in the UK and USA.   By RJ Dodd

All the books except Leverage are published on amazon.. Leverage is not published yet but a sequel is on the way.

As a Director of Photography who has shot a number of award winning films I have tried to be fast paced, slick dialogue is a feature and totally cinematic.

If interested please contact



Friday 29 December 2023


 PS:  I am a judge for BAFTA..ploughing through a lot of movies...deeply unimpressed thus far..I will write on this when the voting process is over..Seems like a lot of money has been spent on some unwatchable material....must have been the Pandemic...


 Hi...just to let you know I have been a little busy lately..We had to spend some time in back in the UK ..Chichester..

I am moving along with the sequel to my fifth Novel.'.Leverage'.and I am working with two writers. One of them has a stage play and the other one..a direct descendant of a famous Eenglish poet and writer..has a screenplay based on his family  Both effoerts are looking good and there is some industry interest.

I hope to find some time for a few more anecdotes..I have been offered some lecture dates where I can tell a lot more stories to film buffs...more on that in 2024. And I have been offered a movie in Morrocco which should be interesting

  Have a great New Year everyone  X    DD

Monday 3 October 2022

Charleston bar.

 Hi  forgive me if I have posted this before  but it is lost in the mists of time and times have certainly changed

Some years ago..late 1990s I was filming in Charleston VIrginia..we were there for about a month.

Usiusally on a Sunday most of the bars closed down and ubnless you laid some booze in then it could be a dry night.

An assistant sound lad amd myself thought we would take a walk in downtown...which was very quiet..and on the way back we noticed a long dark alley the top end was a sign that said those magical words  BAR..BEERS.

In we went..It was dark inside but avbsolutely popping, music was playing and folk were haveing a great time..We hutled through to the bar..The chatter stopped, the barrman approaoched and asked if he could help,,'Two beers please'

'Are you sure about that.?'


'Take a look around'

We was full of black folk,

'What do you see?'

''A bar full of Americans'

He looked long and hard at us, 'You Brits?'


'On the house'

The chatter started up again.

It turns out that we were the first white men to go into that bar.. ever..We had a great evening, invited to the homes of some people and were told we were the first white men that some of the customers had ever had a converstuon with.

I think those days are gone but I do know that the great American Nation can overcome the ridiculous divisions that are slowly ripping their country apart  Get it together folks ,, the rest of the worl needs you.